Crafting, Featured

“Paradise Falls” Savings Jug from Pixar’s “Up”

Most people seem to love “Up”! We certainly do in our family. My husband refuses to watch it again though and that’s a tough stance to argue against. It’s difficult to willingly sign up for a kick in the feels. I wasn’t expecting the movie to be what it was when I watched it for the first time and though it was sad to me then as a younger person madly in love, it takes on an even deeper meaning the older you get, the longer you’ve been in a romantic relationship, and, particularly, once you have experienced the loss of a loved one.

It’s a touching story that will forever have a place in my heart. Being that it’s such a favorite, I wanted to create a fan craft for it. This project has been on my list for ages, but the wheels were set in motion when I saw these one gallon glass jugs at Whole Foods. I knew they would be perfect!


  • 1 gallon glass jug. Whole Foods had these in the water section, but they have them on Amazon too. There are half-gallon jugs available as well, if you want a smaller one that would still mostly capture the look, though the one in the movie is even more squat and square than the one gallon.
  • Lightpad
  • Black pens and markers
  • Scrapbook paper
  • Washi tape
“Up,” Disney/Pixar

All I did was do a search for a movie still of the scene with a close-up of the label, as above. I downloaded it and sized it to fit my jug, which took a bit of printing trial-and-error.

Once I finally got that right, I placed the printed paper on my lightpad and used it to trace the image exactly onto my scrapbook paper. Of course, the font on the print-out was very pixelated from the original, but that was easy enough to ignore during the tracing. I used a pearlescent cream shade of scrapbook paper left over from a project for my wedding years ago. For the writing, I used a combination of archival ink pens (brush and standard tip) and a fine tip Sharpie.

Fun fact: The label on the jug reads "Paradise Falls" only in the English version of the movie. In other language versions, there is a picture of the location itself instead.

As for the tape at the edges, Carl and Ellie seem to have used basic masking tape, but I wanted mine to look a little less plain, so I used a floral washi tape. Using washi tape makes it easy to move the label around on the jar to position just right. I held the label only with the washi tape, no additional adhesive or anything, though you could probably use Mod Podge if you wanted the extra security. If you try that, let me know how it turns out in the comments!

That’s it! This was a fairly simple DiY, but, as with my “Over the Garden Wall” project recently, I love it when we can create fan items from our favorite media with ease. I plan to use this jar for pennies only, so I wonder how long it will take to fill up…and how much that will be!

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